
45th Members Rendezvous an undeniable success!
45th Members Rendezvous an undeniable success!
The 45 th networking cocktail for Monaco Economic Board (MEB) members was held at the famous Monte-Carlo Beach and attended by 350 high profile people...
Preview of expanded Monaco en Chiffres  for MEB members
Preview of expanded Monaco en Chiffres for MEB members
To a packed house, Monaco Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) Director, Alexandre Bubbio and his team presented the latest edition o...
Proactive and effective contribution to 13th World Chambers Congress
Proactive and effective contribution to 13th World Chambers Congress
Monaco Economic Board (MEB) represented by its Deputy CEO Justin Highman, took part in the 13 th World Chambers Congress held in Geneva 21-23 June. Mo...
Promotion de l’attractivité et rencontre avec une chambre de commerce partenaire en Belgique
Promotion de l’attractivité et rencontre avec une chambre de commerce partenaire en Belgique
Du 13 au 15 juin, le Monaco Economic Board a effectué un déplacement en Belgique qu’il a mis à profit pour participer à la première opération de promo...
MEB members host Liguria
MEB members host Liguria
On Thursday 1st June at Yacht Club de Monaco, on the initiative of the Italian Embassy in Monaco, Monaco Economic Board welcomed several business orga...
Investment strategies and AI reflections for MEB’s first Anglophone guest speaker
Investment strategies and AI reflections for MEB’s first Anglophone guest speaker
For its first conference in the language of Shakespeare, Monaco Economic Board (MEB) hosted Edmund Shing, Chief Investment Officer responsible for inv...
Christophe Barraud looks to the future for MEB members
Christophe Barraud looks to the future for MEB members
Invited for the third year to the Principality by the Monaco Economic Board, Christophe Barraud, Chief Economist at Market Securities, delivered his e...
MEB at the heart of sustainable innovation at Ever Monaco
MEB at the heart of sustainable innovation at Ever Monaco
On the occasion of EVER Monaco, a trade fair dedicated to renewable energies and mobility which took place on 11 and 12 May, the Monaco Economic Board...
Eco Club focuses on business tourism  in the Principality
Eco Club focuses on business tourism in the Principality
Friday 12 May, Monaco Innovation Runway by Monacotech, Monaco Economic Board (MEB) and the Monaco Eco Club - Nice Matin Group held a conference focuse...